Wednesday, May 5, 2010

all things NEW

You are still at the same old blog, written by the same old me, but with yet ANOTHER new look. I get visually bored really easily and tend to change things around often...gravatars, layouts, photos, etc....I hope I don't keep you in a state of confusion or in one of insecurity for those of you who still have a blankie that you MUST sleep with :)

Yeah, there's a topic I could expand on. But don't worry: I won't.

Well, right now I'm sitting in my brand new recliner (thank you mom and dad) in my room which is for the first time in ...... well, let's just say a LONG time....clean. (thank you Mary Sue). Why all of this change?

On the 25th of this month I am going in for the first of several major surgeries as I am having two total hip replacements done. (not at the same time, due to complications with my asthma)...

I LIVE in my recliner. Because I don't leave my room much, because most other chairs hurt me, because even my hospital bed in my room here is too uncomfortable for me to sleep all night in...I am in my recliner a LOT. And my old faithful one, finally said, OK< enough all ready...and bit the dust. Last Friday, my parents took me out "somewhere".....and then told me once we were "There" that they were going to buy me a new recliner but I had to come to try it on for size.


very cool

Then my friend Mary Sue (any one need an OR nurse with 25 years of experience??? She just got laid off....) her new free time, offered to come and help me to transport stuff from my downstairs bedroom to my newer quarters upstairs. And to clean out the upstairs mess to make room for the necessary items coming up from downstairs. So that is why my room is clean.

NOT ONLY THAT....but I am in the process of getting a new electric hospital bed to replace the clunker I have and a brand new BIPAP machine as well. Let's hear it for insurance! I figured that I should get these needs addressed before my insurance company gets o'BOMBanized and while I have the "excuse" of my two surgeries.

So, I am not sure yet whether I will go to the Rehab hospital associated with my hospital for a week or so, after I get done with my week in the hospital following my surgery...or whether I will go to a nursing home for a bit til I can manage the six steps into my house.

THEN: (drum roll, please) my daughter is coming for her promised two weeks of assisting me and keeping me company. Yes , this is the long lost daughter who recently left for other quarters. I will be very very happy to see her....Almost worth getting cut open and my leg chopped off for.
hehe, nothing like saying it with drama.

Well, I've been keeping this post light, focused on the positive...I'm sure you get tired of hearing of tears and madness.....Even though there are still plenty of each around here...I decided to you a break. Enjoy!

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