Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The "All that"

I apologize for the long silence.  My brain has been on vacation and my fingers couldn't find anything to type about.  Actually, I've written some smaller things on Facebook but that is the extent of it.
I still don't know what this post is going to be about....Flying by the seat of my pants.

Health update (in case you were wondering): Neck pain fluctuates.  It's constantly there but the intensity rises and falls.  So far I'm just dealing.  On Thursday I'm going to see one of my ortho surgeons so it is possible that he will order an MRI of at least my C-spine.   The bad (worse???) news is that my breathing has once again gotten difficult.  I've had a long period: two years since my last hospitalization for asthma, of relative peace in that regard....Now I'm short of breath, wheezing when I move around, and coughing.  The unholy trinity.  It has been so nice to be able to move around and do what i want without gasping for air.  I guess I should be grateful for the respite and not complain about it ending.  

My pulmonologist/ GP has retired.  I'm heart broken.  He's been my doctor for 23 years and has saved my life more than once....maybe more than 5 times.  Now I will be seeing his partner, whom I know from when  he has covered for Dr D. during my hospital stays.  I don't really know him well and I'm a little nervous about how my care will be handled.  I see him in the office for the first time on Friday this week.  I will hopefully have a better idea after that what to expect.

Today I spent the whole day with my friend as she came over to switch over my closet for the cooler weather and also to restore order to a huge mess in said closet.  It took her from 9:00-1:30 but we took out 4 large garbage bags of trash and 1 garbage bag of clothes for Goodwill.  Everything else was stored neatly in containers according to category.  Hopefully I'll be able to find things when I'm looking for them.

I apologize for the chatty blog...if you were looking for something more profound take a glance at other posts and maybe you will find what you are looking for.

I also want to tell the people of TX that I'm actively in prayer for them.  It is heartbreaking what they are going through and unimaginable to me.  I heard some moron of a professor at Tampa U said that Texas deserved what they got for supporting Trump.  I'm sorry but I don't care what your politics are, that is a completely asinine, cruel thing to say.  Enough about that--it makes my blood boil.  (Update; I just read that the professor got fired for his remarks. GOOD!)

Thank you for checking in here once more for some word from my keyboard.  My keyboard is out of  things to say so I'd better quit now.  God bless you ...and Houston and surroundings: My heart is with you and I promise to continue to pray.

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