Thursday, May 31, 2012

Casandra? or Job?

Wasn't it Casandra in Greek Mythology who was just a disaster everywhere she went? Well, if she was, then I think my name had more rightly been Casandra than Cynthia.

Four weeks ago, I tore a hamstring by stumbling over something.

Three weeks ago, I dislocated my hip (4th time)
two weeks ago I spent a week in the hospital for endocarditis - a potentially life threatening infection of a heart valve.
And the day before yesterday, I dislocated my hip again, (time #5)

It would be funny---except that it's so NOT. When people see me and say, "So , how's it going? What have you been up to?" I want to duck my head and scoot in another direction to avoid answering that question.

Is it really a matter of having bad luck?
Well, I for one, do not believe in luck. ---good or bad. I believe in providence. I believe in God's loving arrangement of our lives for his own good pleasure and for our own benefit. SO some of you are saying , "You believe in a God who takes pleasure in torturing you??" NO. I believe in a God who stands right with me, so closely, while I am hurting. I believe in a God who is delighted when I recognize his presence and thank him in the midst of my pain. I believe in a God who is thrilled that I do not "curse him and die" like Job's wife encouraged him to do. I believe in a God who points me out to his angels and says, 'See her? There is a woman who loves me with her whole heart."

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