Thursday, May 20, 2010

Books and Heaven

This picture is a screen saver my daughter made for me...not one of her finest works of art...but I love it anyway. Miss you too Yeka.

Not many thoughts today...had another MD visit to finally finish the clearance for the surgery...and got that at long last.

I know that I am too focused on my physical problems...and I apologize for that. When I'm home alone all day with nothing else going on but that, I guess it's easy to fall into that trap.

I could tell you instead of a book I'm reading ...actually I'm reading two books...actually (technically) I'm probably reading a hundred because in the past couple of years I've had serious trouble finishing a book. The problem for one thing is that concentration is hard. And for another, because my short term memory is so bad, when I put a book down for the night or to eat dinner or something, if I don't pick it right back up and FINISH it, when I go back a day or more later, I don't remember any of it. The problem with my short term memory is so frustrating.

My daughter told me once, "It must be great--everything is always new to you! You're like taking a kid to a new place every've never been there before." I thought that was an interesting take on it. But the actual experience of not remembering much of anything except what happened years ago or a few minutes ago is different, and not fun. It's kind of like looking at the world through a camera lens...and all you know of the world is just what you can see through that lens. It's confusing and frightening; especially when everyone else can remember and see the rest of the world that is obscure to me.

Anyway...back to the book.
This book is called Dominion by Randy Alcorn. He's the guy who wrote a masterful book on the topic of Heaven (In fact Heaven is the title of his other book)...Dominion is fiction and Heaven is not. (haha...good play on words) ...but heaven plays a big part in Dominion as well..about half of the book takes place there. I love reading about Heaven. Heaven--the way it's really going to be: not floating on clouds playing harps or singing in choirs for eternity...but the way the Bible shows it. I think it's interesting that the Bible doesn't say , "OK, this is what Heaven will be like..." and then teach on it. It gives glimpses. Peeks. Hints...They are all through Scripture but must be sought out and thought about. Well, Alcorn has done this. And the result is exciting.

Actually, a lot of what he says in here, I'd already guessed myself just from reading the Bible. But it's good to hear someone else verify my thoughts. I think a lot about Heaven. Not in a suicidal way. Just in a body-hurting-stuck-in-a-world-gone-awry way. For example, every time I hear or see injustice (every day)....I think longingly of when that will be gone, righted.
And when I think of having a body that can go roller blading again...I CAN'T WAIT!!! I used to love roller blading and I fully believe that I will be doing a lot of that in Heaven or on the New Earth.

Anyway, I would heartily recommend both books to you (by Alcorn)...The other book I mentioned that I'm reading is a biography of Jonathan Edwards by George Marsden. You would probably say to me "Why are you reading that if you can't remember from one day to the next if you saw the book, because there is no way anyone can finish that book in a day...not even my daughter. I haven't checked out the number of pages in it...but it's a lot...maybe equaling Gone with the Wind (which, btw was 1066)...which OK, I read in TWO days, when I was in 7th or 8th grade...(back then, I had a brain...which now seems to have leaked out my ears some time ago).

My friend Esther gave me this biography because she knew of my fascination with Edwards. I admire him probably as much as any other historical figure I can think of. He was an incredible man of God...Sometimes that can get lost in looking back at him...because then (it was in the early 1700's when he lived), people were different. Stiffer. They were more concerned with propriety and honor and such, and his heart for God and his love for Him, can get lost in that landscape. But when you read his writings, as I've done, it is evident that this is a man who could THINK and who passionately was devoted to the Lord.

My interest in Edwards is what will enable me to get through this book. Not only because I am interested in him, but because for many years, I've been reading about him and reading his works. So my familiarity with the subject should make it easier to keep going without getting lost in the fog outside of my lens-view.

Sorry this post has turned into a book review, but maybe that's better than a "review of systems" --which is a joke you'd only get if you've worked in the medical profession. I'm not going to give it away...ask a doctor. (I worked as a Unit Secretary in two hospitals for a number of years, so I know all the lingo and even how to read a doctor's handwriting: it's what I did for a living.) More later.

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