Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Decisions toward Health

I am not sure exactly how much control I have over my health status. Sometimes it seems like the harder I push and the more I do, the sicker I get....and sometimes, when I'm vegetating and resting, I'm constantly sick also. I have decided to take a bit more of a proactive role in trying to "manipulate" health into my body. Exercise...beginning slowly and gradually, firmly increasing. Reading up on what health and supplemental actions I can take to improve my chances of resisting illness....journaling and maybe taking some online classses to maintain an inner awareness of how my emotions might be working against me. Eating well....and eating to lose weight. Maintaining a steady weight loss and inches lost as well through diet and exercise. Getting significant and sufficient rest. Researching my medications and their effects on my body and taking a more active role in determining which ones I will keep and which ones must go.

I started already....even here in the hospital, by walking for 15 minutes in the halls....it beats nothing .... and every day I will aim to do more.

One of my goals this spring and summer is to spend much more time outside....
FIND things to do that will get me fresh air and sunshine.
Go to different locations to walk, or even swim.
Go to the community beach for walks.

Play ping pong in the rec room.

Spring clean the house and simplify and eliminate dust making junk.

There are a million goals I could make but really just sticking to a few of them consistently will make a bigger impact than being spread too thin and too diversely.

I think the biggest change should be in the direction I am heading. Do I want to head for disability or head for health? For dependence or independence? This will involve the biggest mind shift that I need to make. I am not an old woman...stop trying to hang your life up on a shelf...instead; take it down, dust it off and give it a whirl...then try it on for size. Expand your life and shrink your body....you need to give yourself breathing and dancing room.

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