Saturday, July 4, 2020

Fools Rush In

Sennacharib  was attacking Jerusalem and he sent King Hezekiah a pompous, arrogant, blasphemous, and utterly terrifying letter.  The King called for prayer and fasting and he went into the temple…he spread out the letter before the Lord.  Stated his case and waited for instruction from the Lord.

Have you ever gotten a bill that you KNOW is wrong? Or simply one that is beyond your means to pay?
I have practiced Hezekiah's approach for years.  Of course it could  be called procrastination but I prefer to call it, “Marination” … It is no exaggeration to say that with every hospital stay of mine, I will get handfuls of such mail.

So I spread them out before God , state my helplessness to him and tell him I need his help.

Then I pile up the letters…and ignore them for days. I do marinate them in prayer though.  And I have NEVER  had to pay a bill that was 1) wrong or 2) exorbitant. Tens of thousands of dollars were owed in some of these bills…and by the time I felt right about calling, I was told “You have no balance.”

Recently I had IV antibiotics in the hospital and they were continued at home. However my husband’s job changed insurance carriers and I had a NUMBER of doctors and expensive antibiotics…NONE of which were covered.  The IV therapy I got at home was $50,000.  My respiratory company had a similar bill.

So they marinated in my prayers.

And I did not owe a penny.

This is not to say that  you will never have to  pay another bill. It might mean waiting on God to provide the means to pay.  In any case, keep a still, confident heart before God and your need.  Read Ps. 62. Waiting on the Lord, not taking a step until he said to…What is that song? “Fools Rush In”….yeah.

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