Tuesday, March 1, 2016

These Joys...

Some new joys:  a yellow Jinhao fountain pen....and some ink samples including a Pelikan violet that is gorgeous.  I have not done much handwriting in longhand for years. My journals, everything, is on my computer.  For some reason I can type at lightening speed but do not have the dexterity to hold a pen and write legibly.  Well my fountain pens have once again awakened in me the joy of written self expression.  I love it when I get cards via "snail mail"...I often send people eCards or notes to their email but maybe will change it up a bit. I struggle with legibility.  I hope people can figure out what I've said.

Other joys?
  •  A set of fleece sheets...that make laying my body down at the end of the day (an excursion of 5' from my recliner where I spent my day)...a pleasure of snuggling comfort and warm happiness.
  • Having written three or four poems lately after a long span of infertility in creative expression.
  • A new "email buddy" whom I have had the pleasure of getting to know.  She is a kindred spirit.  A warrior for the Lord, an artist, a lover of plants....intelligent and hopefully will continue to be a good friend.
  • A relatively new Mp3 player after a long span of time without one.  A SONY --which makes me happy because it is not an Apple. 
  • An improved relationship with my husband.  Taking it a day at a time....but things are looking better.
  • A new pair of PJ's
  • Waiting on delivery of  a few items.  An infuser/steeper cold pitcher ...to make iced tea or fruit infusions;

    several sets of prayer beads and a nice wooden box to keep them in; a 2-pen case for my two fountain pens.
  • making progress in my Bible Memorization APP...I have finally made it into the ranking boards I am  11071.  So much room for progress!!  My only problem is that the list I WANT to memorize is growing faster than the list I HAVE memorized :)
  • Some weight loss. My "pregnant" look is diminishing (although by no means gone)
Maybe these are "carnal" pleasures.  But I receive them as gifts from my Father's hands.  I have lost much.  But I also do not have it so bad.  When I think of those in poverty, or fear and fleeing for their lives, my heart breaks and I am suffused with gratitude for the good things in my own life...I know though, I must be willing to drop them all to the side and go on with nothing but my Lord to give my life meaning.  That time may come, either by worsening health  or by political changes in climate...or via some other form of disaster. So I receive with open hands.....but I keep my hands open in case those gifts are required of me.  And I try to enjoy them but at the same time not to NEED them as a condition for my happiness.  It is a rather hard line to walk....but balance must be there to maintain it. 

It is good to write a review of your current joys.  Receive his blessings with gratitude and joy my friends for  you do not know when they will be required of you.

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