Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Million Dollar Woman gives her Two Cents.

The following is an amalgam of two different notes I've written....I hope that it speaks to you.

If  I had to pick one of God's characteristics that I most love and desire, I would pick his Mercy.  I so much deserve the fires of hell.  More than almost anyone knows how much I need that.  God has poured his grace over me once his mercy cleansed me.  The disciples were puzzled about  Jesus acceptance of a "loose" woman.  A woman that has committed the unspeakable.  The Pharisees nearby question  Jesus also.  His response?  "One man owed someone $3 and another man owed  $1,000,000...both were forgiven. Who loves the one who forgave them the most? "'

 That's  me: the $1,000,000 lady.

 And Jesus said elsewhere when questioned about his choice of people to hang around with.  Jesus replied  "I came for the sick ...Like a doctor receives the accolades  of those he had snatched  from the jaws of death...This sickest were the ones with the greatest debt of gratitude.

God's  mercy extends as far as the East is from the West.  He has bathed me in Mercy, rinsed me with his grace and the toweled me off with his Love... And soon. Very soon, I will be dressed in his righteous white gown.

"I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life."  John 5:24

This was today's verse from K LOVE. I've been worried about "judgment  day" when horrible past sins are brought to light for everyone's viewing.  Verses like "everything secret will be brought to light" scare me to death. How will it be? Will others have equally horrific sins to display?  Will it be that the greatness of God's mercy overshadow our sins?    I am already in the clear....my sins were already paid at the cross. It's not as though my sin will be dragged out from under the cover to be judged again.  I have already  been  given the award of Life Eternal.  If others do see that sin,  I can  only throw myself at the  feet of Jesus...He will shield me and comfort me.  I cannot receive the judgment he already paid on my behalf.  I think that somehow our sins will be neutralized. They will have lost the power to harm me. "Death , where is thy victory?; Grave, where is thy sting.?"

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