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http://www.medicinenet.com/rheumatoid_arthritis_pictures_slideshow/article.htm |
I was there for a "mere" 8 hours. And they did a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e.l.y NOTHING for me. M y BP went down a bit by itself and eventually they released me with instructions to see my primary doctor immediately...which I did today. And he added another (fourth) medicine and is sending me to some kidney specialists because as he said to me today "It's time to get serious about this and bring out the big guns." I didn't realize this but the hormone which controls BP levels is produced in the kidney and when there is a problem there, the pressure rates can become uncontrolled , as mine did about 5 or 6 months ago and has been ever since.
Today, I also confessed to my doc that I"ve had daily...and now, nonstop, headaches at the base of my skull - and that my guess was that it was the PA (psoriatic arthritis) compressing nerves and spine up there. I also told him of the constant nausea and the numbness in my hands...He looked once more at my MRI results of a year ago and confirmed to me that this was indeed the case. He ordered a new C-spine MRI as well as a brain MRI (I gather to check on the status of my brain stem where the damage is ominously close to). So these are the next three appointments I'll have to make (4 if you count the neurologist which Dr. D said would also be necessary).
Honestly, I think it's time to address the question that begs asking: When does one simply say "Enough."??? If I lived in some less medically inclined or proficient country...even one like the UK or Canada with state-regulated medicine, I would have died a number of years ago. There would either not be the technology, the speed , or the funding available to meet my huge demand on all of this over the past eleven years. So does one finally intervene in the medical insanity of tail chasing that has become my life and put an end to it? I'm NOT saying to commit suicide, but merely to put the matter into God's hands instead of wrenching my life from the jaws of Death and insisting on prolonging it.
I think that once I see the direction that this next MRI shows is occurring (which I can pretty much predict to you), then I think I will have to seriously consider this issue and maybe put a halt to the whole medical rat race that has become my life. Honestly, WHO in the world needs to have between 5 and 7 MD visits per month??? Copays alone - never MIND paying for the 20ish medicines I take - are ruining me financially. It is for this reason that I'm so glad right now that I had cancelled my shoulder replacements and have decided on a mere elbow arthroscopy instead, to clean up some of the damage there, temporarily. Enough nonsense is enough. My shoulders hurt ...but I can live with it; at least thus far.
Do you have any thoughts on this issue? When does medicine become an absurdity? It's not like anything except for the random sinus infection....ever gets healed...It just becomes another chronic condition to be suffered with and monitored by doctors forever after.
The question then that begs asking is : Am I ready to stand before God and give an accounting for my life??? THAT question will have to be asked and explored further...stay tuned....
Dear Friend,
I believe that you are ready to stand before the Father now and I believe you will hear the words "Well Done". You have allowed Him to use you. You have touched others with your live and have truly blessed me.
However, the timing is and always will be His. It's already written.
With ever thing, we must rely on His perfect timing.
We can cry out and ask when, why, how. And He will hear us, bring comfort, peace, joy. I'm praying these things for you today.
My friend, my heart breaks for you and all you endure. Praying for His will for you.
Thank you Caryn...I'm honored by your words...I hope Jesus agrees with them :)
You're right about HIS timing. The question I really have is, how do we know when we are circumventing his timing? and is that even possible???
God's blessings and joy be yours today as well.
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