Sunday, October 9, 2011

This Blog is Approaching 10,000 visitors!

I just want to say "Thank You," to all who have visited here.  To my long-time readers and to those who just stop by: Thank You.  I pray that some of you may have found  hope here...for yourself, or for your loved ones who suffer with mental illness.  And more than that, I pray that some of  you may have found the smile of God here for you. Please do leave comments when you stop by...they make my day :)

May God's Peace surround you
as you visit and as you go from here.


Anonymous said...

Bless you Cynthia, you make my day. I am sure all those who visit have been blessed, comforted and just knowing they are not alone.
Keep it up dear sister for the next 10K and so on.

Cynthia Lott Vogel said...

thank you Caryn. You are an encourager :)