Monday, July 25, 2011

Bits and Tips on Suffering


I just want to announce the unveiling today of a guest post that I wrote for BerryMorins Bits and Tips Blog here:

It's a series of is a series of ten things which suffering has taught me...really these are my greatest 'TREASURES I've mined from the DARKNESS. Take a look and see what God can do in the midst of pain.

The second part of the post will be a list of ten "tips" for the person who suffers -regarding their marriage...As a person who has been married for 22 years and has a husband who must deal with my suffering as much as I do....I am qualified to say that Marriage to a sufferer holds many many challenges...Here is the advice I, a sufferer , would give to the sufferer trying to live with their spouse and to maintain a relationship and sanity despite it. Here is the LINK for this segment:

Part three is advice I would give to the sufferer's spouse in regard to their marriage...Come and see, in a few days...what God has been showing me about how to save a faltering marriage...crippled by suffering. Here is the link for Part 3:

And I would sincerely like to thank the author of this blog (Bits and Tips) for giving me the opportunity to post on her blog...


Mining for Diamonds said...

Hi there, I found your blog...can't remember how, but I'm so glad I did! I am very interested in this series, especially from the "well" spouse's point of view. I am the wife of a bipolar man and you are right, it has its own set of challenges. I am working on a book about our experiences and the goodness of God in the midst...I just pitched it to two publishers who seem interested. You can read some of our story here

Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for being willing to share your pain and ministering to others in the process. Giving God all of us, the good, the bad, and the ugly, brings Him glory. Thanks for this post!

Cynthia Lott Vogel said...

Donna Lynn,
Thank you so much for your comment. I was particularly moved by this sentence: "Giving God all of us, the good, the bad, and the ugly, brings Him glory." How many times we try to withhold the "bad and the ugly" from our Father! It really makes no sense to do this because 1) He already knows about it. and 2) He's the only one who can fix it!
How great to know that, not only is it actually brings him we give him a chance to work in our lives.
Blessings to you!

Unknown said...

I just posted series 2. I hope everyone will stop by BerryMorins Bits & Tips to read it!

Cynthia Lott Vogel said...

Kim, I'm sorry, I thought I'd replied to your comment -- and I see I didn't. I think I did comment on the link you left however.
Thanks for sharing your story with us...I can't really imagine what my husband has gone through the times that I 've disappeared and he didn't know where I was. thank you for giving me this glimpse. Hopefully it will help me to not do that again...although if I relapse there's no telling what I'll do.

I hope tomorrow's post (or it may be on FRiday, not sure) blesses you greatly and gives you some sense of direction in the dark place you find yourself...
Keep up the good fight...peacefully :)