I've been busy and haven't really kept up with my blogging. I think I will write a quick update and copy it to all my blogs....so if you read this one, don't bother checking the others if you've not read for about a week...as this one will be repeated)
I have been spending my time attempting to reestablish the healthy lifestyle habits I'd begun last year which were interrupted by these two hip surgeries. Between January and July of last year, I'd lost 60 pounds... and the remaining 20 pounds stubbornly refused to leave even though they certainly weren't welcome) ...And I maintained this weight up until these last two surgeries. When I got home from my first surgery in February, I discovered, I'd gained about 5 or 10 pounds. And by the time I was weighed at the rehab after my next surgery...another ten had somehow snuck on. I haven't really been eating a lot....but haven't been exercising at all ...especially not doing any cardio. I HAD thought of a couple of ways to try to get some cardio, despite post surgical hips, but never carried them out. I've done small amounts of muscle strengthening in rehab this time through...and was AMAZED and disheartened to discover how weak I'd gotten and how QUICKLY muscle tone evaporates when unpursued.
So it has been my goal to get this body back into the shape it was in last summer and to lose even that remaining 20 since all I have to lose now is between 30 and 40 pounds. I felt GOOD last summer. Strong. My muscles were firming up. My endurance most of all was what amazed me...could easily do an hour of aerobics or walk four miles at a rapid pace. All I have to do to feel good is to think about how awesome that felt and how big an accomplishment it was to get into that kind of shape from the place of obesity and severe deconditioning I was in. I also had attained excellent health along the way. While everyone else has been snuffling and sneezing this past fall and winter....I have not gotten sick ONCE in over a year. It's true that I did come down with a cough which turned into an asthma problem for which the doctor wanted me to take 12 days of steroids. But I refused. I knew that that was the path back to sickness and disease. I refused the treatment ...and rather rapidly got better all by myself. My husband, the non -religious one in the family , declared it to be a miracle. And indeed it was.
My main general goal now, other than recovering my healthy diet and exercise plan, is to go through my belongings in this house and "de-junk-ify"....We have so much JUNK...broken space heaters, broken or old furniture, clothing, linens...etc etc...to get rid of , that it's amazing. Both the garage and our basement is crowded with this stuff....I'm sick and tired of warehousing refuse. So I've gotten my husband to promise to hire a man or to rent a dumpster so that we can once and for all toss this stuff and be rid of it. I feel like it is clutter up my life...even making it physically difficult to breathe, if that makes any sense. I just have gotten a real claustrophobia caused by excessive belongings. Both junk and stuff that I no longer use or which is merely excessive....It's all GOT TO GO. So I am eagerly earmarking the things which I'm anticipating giving the old 'heave ho" right into the trash.
I'm not getting younger...and when we move into a new house, it will be a smaller, more consolidated one....and so our belongings must be reduced as well. And honestly, I'm less and less of the opinion that someday, post mortem, my paintings and writings will be "discovered" and hence, more valuable and important to save. Even the years and years of Study notes and journals...really...who is going to tediously decipher and edit them?? Am I really some Oswald Chambers...whose family will be supported by the publication of my notes, post mortem?? I rather doubt it. It's possible. But knowing my family....it is unlikely. There is no sense in keeping every single scrap of paper.
anyway,...enough rambling....it's 6:10 am and I've got a day to go to....
Have a good one yourself.
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