Friday, February 11, 2011

How to End before it Starts??

How does one begin the end of an ending?

How does one begin a beginning while in the middle?

How does one end an ending before it begins?

How does one go back to the beginning and totally skip the wrong ending?


Well, if you aren't then, you are the person whom this post was intended for.

I'm sorry for the confusion, hurt, and misunderstanding that my rotten, lousy paranoid schizophrenic brain has caused. I would do anything to erase the damage of the past week and go back to the friendship we had before all this mess began. It really just sucks when my "home base"---the default position that my mind will take--- is one of paranoia. It is horrific to think that I could have so misunderstood and doubted a wonderful a friend as you are and have been. I'm so so so sorry for the hurt that I've caused you and for the mass confusion that my misinterpretation of your emails has caused.

Please understand that my misinterpretation of your emails, has caused me equal pain; that the evil whisper of illness causes me at least as much suffering as it does the object of my doubts. I really did think that you were furious with me and wanted nothing more to do with me. I was hurt and wounded to the core....never once considering that once again, I was made a fool of by this damned disease.

And the worst part of it by far, is not that I get hurt or have to live with the doubts and pain...but that I have caused someone else--someone innocent--to suffer as a result also. I was an idiot to marry and am an idiot to ever try to burst through the suffocating barrier between me and everyone else by forming a friendship....because always., inevitably, someone innocent will get hurt...and invariably, my heart will go through the familiar paths of doubt, worry, fear, anger, and then complete isolation that are the consequences of my wrong thinking. And these are the things that happen when I'm WELL....NOT psychotic!!! These are the things that construct my daily life.

I'm not looking for pity ...because if anyone deserves it , it is the people that my illness twists up and spits out....the ones who've dared to give me their hearts.

And I'm still, despite the evil my mind does, not the offender here either. I guess I'm a victim too.

Anyway----I'm sorry, times a thousand, for doubting you and for thinking you capable of such unreasonalbe rage.

I would understand if you did what every single other friend I've had does and did...and that is to cut me off cold. To protect yourself from such pain again. I don't understand why people can't just SEE if for what it is when it comes. But then neither can I so it is not fair to wonder that. The thoughts are so insidious and so basked in so "reasonable" a doubt that every one always falls for and everyone else. ...Never can see it for ILLNESS, for a twisted, sick perception...and then as such just label it and disarm it by identfying it. Then it would srop. I would say "OH THAT is what it's not her or him or them....It's schizophrenia." and then I could put it aside on a shelf where it belongs.

Nope. It is insidious. Believeable. Sneaky. and fools me and everyone else and we all get sucked into a vortex of anger and pain.

I'm so sorry ...It's all there is to say.

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