Sunday, May 23, 2010

Once More, then I'll Quit

I've been really trying to not let my health, pain or my impending surgery consume my thoughts, writing and to tell you that this blog is going to break that resolution temporarily may scare you into not reading the rest of this post. But really I just need to update you on what's happening, because it will impact this blog and indirectly, you, the readers.

I'm scheduled (well sort of) for a total hip replacement on this Tuesday morning. However, I've been medically cleared and then uncleared three times already since Wednesday past. The four doctors who are running the show have found one reason after another based on my bad health, to cancel the surgery from going ahead...I've seen specialists, had more tests..., conceded to some things like going BACK onto steroids for a while and going to ICU after surgery rather than to the Bone and Joint Center as I'd wished to go...and the surgery was rescheduled. But THEN, on Thursday, I got a call from my primary doctor who told me that my sodium levels are too dangerously low to proceed....So I've been eating every salted thing around and taking sodium supplements...all in preparation for another blood test tomorrow (Monday)... So I will actually not know whether or not it's a go ahead until the night before or the morning of surgery.


I know that this is the best I'm ever going to be health wise in order to hope to have this procedure. The asthma has been under control for a couple of months, our deductible is paid for the year,...things are looking good as far as I can see from my end.

But from what my husband tells me, these four doctors have been losing some sleep over Tuesday's event.

They just need a God who can take care of stuff like that for them!

Anyway. I'm preparing for everything, as though it will happen and be a success. But I've also had to give some consideration to the (slim) chance that it will not end so happily...which is always sobering. Not for me, but for my family. I pray that I will be fine and we can begin to think about doing the other hip soon. Please pray with me for this.

Note the new profile pic. I took it today. Scary huh? Steroids and meningitis do a number on your face :P.

Anyway, My laptop still remains wounded on the field. I am awaiting a search and rescue mission to go and retrieve and repair it soon....pending obtaining the money which we don't maybe NOT soon. Which means that it could conceivably be a WHILE before you hear from me here.

If we are on emailing terms, here is an email address you can contact me at temporarily...My husband can get it on his computer at work and can convey the messages to me, either in the hospital or in rehab. It is:

I hope to hear from you ...and better be able to write for you again soon.
My prayers are with you know who you are.
God's richest and most abundant blessings on you and on your families.

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