Saturday, March 8, 2014

Family Grudges

Yesterday on Facebook, I got a friend request from a man whose name  I did not know. He had two friends in common with me, both of them cousins of mine. Before accepting his request, I checked him out with one cousin and my mom. I got a message from  the man which said he is a first cousin of my mom and hadn't seen her for 60 years.

I checked out a Facebook site that NM (this gentleman)recommended to me which is a site dedicated to the Line of my mom's maiden name.  Some great pictures were exchanged and it was interesting to think that a year ago, I never ever communicated with any relatives. But thanks to FB was able to be tracked down by them and now we a part of each other's virtual lives.  I have one aunt (mom's older sister) with whom I've begun to regularly talk.I also do call my dad's younger sister on holidays. Yesterday was her 82nd I spoke to her.

It's funny. I've gone all these years without knowing a single relative and never missed them. Now I see that I was missing something important...Family...God made them for a reason. Families are made to be important to each other;to love each other no matter what. Of course that is a bit euphemistic. There have been fractures in my family...hurt. bad feelings...Not speaking to him or her or such and so for reasons good or bad. Fact is...rifts in families cause loss and pain  and almost always speak of unforgiving hearts....and you know what the Lord said:
Luke 17:4
Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.”
Colossians 3:13
Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.
WE are told that if we expect forgiveness for our sins,then we are absolutely to forgive others when they've hurt us...even if they hurt us multiple times. To refuse to forgive someone who has asked for your repentance is to put your standards above those of God. If God can forgive, who are we to hold grudges?

There are fractures in most families I think.however, to deprive our family of our love  and company is just wrong and the pain extends to generations after us.
It is a sad state of affairs when we fall into this mobile society and move away from our relatives...however now there is internet communications...and once more we can be a part of the lives of others.Do your part to bring peace...then if the fracture persists, the guilt is not on your head.

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