Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Election Day "Our Father"

Today is election day and I feel strongly on many of the issues that this vote will address. However I didn't get an absentee ballot in time and I don't think I could physically get to to the poll site and get in there and walk that far, even if I had a ride, which I don't. So I was sitting here feeling powerless and bummed out....And then it came to me like a drink of cool water in a hot, dry throat..." I CAN PRAY!!" I am NOT powerless, neither is God's hand shortened by my inability to vote. So today I am praying that God's will would be magnified through these election results. I am praying for those who are running for office and for the issues which are at stake.

 I wrote the preceding paragraph on my Facebook timeline.  And then bowed my head to pray.  And it came to me, to pray the Lord's Prayer.  Which I did and was "gobsmacked" at how relevant and powerful it is in our nation today.

Our Father who is in Heaven.....HOLY is your name. 
Your kingdom come MAY YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH  as it is done in Heaven.  PLEASE GIVE US TODAY OUR DAILY BREAD (and that which we need for sustenance). Forgive us our trespasses as we FORGIVE THOSE who trespass against us (Or who see things differently than we do). Lead us not into temptation. (Including the temptation to hate others who are politically polarized from us) but deliver us from evil (including men and women who would do evil and lead the nation to evil regardless of their political party)  For YOURS is the Kingdom and the  POWER and the GLORY forever and ever, AMEN

 If you are able, get yourself to the polling place and cast your vote.

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