Monday, October 26, 2015


I just discovered some reviews on Goodreads about my book, Treasures from Darkness.:

this print hung in my childhood home.

1) An autobiographical look at the illness of Schizophrenia. The author talks from her own experience about the horror of this most serious mental illness. Vignettes are given from birth to the present which chronicle her journey through four suicide attempts and over 40 hospitalizations. When the illness first struck, Cynthia abandoned the God of her youth because it appeared that he had abandoned her. Throughout her life, God demonstrated himself in quiet and also in miraculous ways, saving her life over and over as she tried to end it and finally, years later, she yielded.
The book also discusses a life of chronic physical pain and illness which began a decade ago. Each day requires trust and submission for Cynthia.

2) Cynthia Lott Vogel's book gives readers a glimpse of what it is like to have Schizoaffective Disorder from the inside. It is a harrowing and true story of one person's affliction with this genetic mental illness. It dispels society's stereotypes of what mental illness is and who the people suffering from it are. It also gives readers some insight into how the mental health profession treats mental illness and what it is like to be hospitalized. It is definitely an insightful book. The fact that Ms. Lott was even able to write it speaks to her remarkable life and her ability to never give up but to live the best life she can
3) Wow--what an interesting inside look at a devastating mental illness. Cynthia Lott Vogel deserves much praise for even writing this personal account of her illness--schizophrenia plus bipolar depression. I have never read such an illuminating book written by a person with this disease. It will give readers insight that they could not otherwise have about mental illness and the broken system that treats its victims. It is a must read for clinicians who want to help these suffering people and a must read for anyone who loves someone with this illness.
I found it riveting and fascinating and was grateful for my own life after reading what a genetic illness can do to someone. Ms. Vogel is a highly talented artist and a very intelligent woman. This book will dispel reader's judgements and preconceived notions about mental illness. People do not give themselves these challenges in life but only the very strong will ever survive what Cynthia has. An important book! 
Thus far, four people have rated the book with a five-star rating.  And on Amazon there are another 16 five star ratings.
Thank you to those of you who have purchased my book and taken the time to rate it and to review it!

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