Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Short Hello...

My house is a mess. I'm in pain. All I feel like doing is sitting here on this stupid laptop....or maybe sleeping.

I woke up this morning -awakened by pain- but dreaming of heaven. How cool is that? And wouldn't it be AWESOME to wake up one morning and really find myself there??

This entry is going to be short; and it is also a bit more personal than my others...but I can't always be on my soapbox. If you don't get to know me; you won't know that I am still struggling with mental and physical illnesses...and that might make my other articles less "real." So here I am, sitting on my recliner in my pajamas where I've been sitting for the last three hours and the last three days before that....writing to you which is only a tad better than talking to myself...which I also tend to do.

I really think that if I want to remain married; (and I do) that I need to give this house some that will be my goal for today. Whether or not it happens, is another story...which I will tell later.

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