Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chew that Cud!

I bought a book yesterday on memorizing  large portions of scripture.Memorization of the Bible has always  been close to my heart.  I memorized MASSIVE amounts of scripture in order to get a free week at a Christian camp in New Hampshire.  I did that several years in a row. As a result I know more scripture by heart than anyone I know , Including my pastors.  One mistakes I have made is that I picked and chose verses and memorized them out of context.  This book says never to do that.  Memorize whole chapters and then memorize whole books. The longest passage I ever memorized was 1 Cor.  13, the "love chapter"  I did that when motivated by a childhood boyfriend.

Today I ordered a compact large print  NASB  Bible to use solely for my memorization. I will be memorizing 1 John for my first project.  It should take me roughly 4 months.  I'm quite excited by this project.  Even in the verse I was memorizing today I can see that there is much I do not know about Scripture despite all my memory work and reading the whole Bible through in devotions.  This will enable me to "chew the cud"and really ruminate over the true guts of the passages. As I have "preached" at church about the critical task of giving God's Spirit a megaphone and a vocabulary, God's Spirit has OFTEN spoken to me via Scripture I'd memorized decades ago and thought I'd forgotten but in my moment of need, there it was.

I'm hoping in the memorization of these books that I will be able to mull over concepts and truly get all the 'nutrients' from God's Word.

Do you need another reason to undertake a project this massive? How about God commands it?

Get the book by Andrew M Davis called An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture...He presents an  indestructible argument for the case of this undertaking as commanded by God's Word.

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