Monday, March 31, 2014

Loving Ally

He is my loving ally and my fortress, my tower of safety, my rescuer. He is my shield, and I take refuge in him."
~ Psalm 144:2, NLT

This morning, I am feeling sad.  Friends....don't have much time for me...I think of all I've lost to this disease, including friendships, being able to exercise, take walks, go shopping...many other things as well. I can't even cook a meal without having to take "sit down breaks" because the pain is too great.

Yesterday something very  unkind was said to someone who should have been my friend to say the very least. That -- along with all the losses--has plummeted me into sadness. Tears now.

And then I saw the above verse in my email today

He is my loving ally. When friends, lover, and family fail me GOD IS MY LOVING ALLY.  Ah, sweet Jesus...take these tears and hold me close.  Be my shield against the hurtful remarks. Be  my rescuer from the hands of my enemies. Be my safety. Be my lover. Be to me all the things that my friends and family should be.When they fail me you are faithful.

Listen to the song at the top of this blog.   He is all this to me

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