Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A HUGE Apology

a Day or Two ago....I -- well I goofed. I really acted inexcusably rudely to some of my sisters in Christ, here on my blog.  I said some unkind things that I will forever regret...If you are one of those who received the brunt of my bad feelings,Please,Please forgive me. My jealousy was a well-hidden secret from my own self. I had no idea that it was MY bad attitude that corrupted these relationships and nothing else.

I removed the hurtful paragraphs and left what really should have been the focus of the whole blog: my jealousy...the sin I needed to confess. I've been spending a lot of time in prayer with God asking him to reveal to me all the ways this sin has harmed friendships and potential friendships.

Worst of all, I slammed a site dedicated to women who love Jesus. This was inexcusable and I am very very sorry.

I hope those who read my blog will return and see this apology....and will forgive me.
Thank you to all of you who've  been faithful enough to return.  I hope I have not forever harmed my blog's ministry. Thank  you again.

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