Thursday, October 10, 2013

Challenged by a Book

So I finally made the transition (rather am making the transition) to voice recognition technology rather than typing with these crippled up fingers. Because my Dragon software  has the odd habit of inserting very funny words in place of what I've  told it to write, still learning is much a trade-off between  vocal and digital as in using my ten digits  to make sense of what I'm trying to say on the screen.I speak-- it writes what it thinks I said-- while I'm laughing, I often have to type in what I really said. I've come to the conclusion that I speak very poorly without enunciating my words so hopefully once I get used to using this technology I will be able to speak more clearly as well.

Yesterday I had a very busy day left the house at 10 in the morning got back at 4:30 in the afternoon.I did a lot of errands spent a lot of money, visited my parents, ate out with my friend who drove me,  went back home and did grocery shopping. I was so tired I sprung for a pizza because I didn't want to face this kitchen and hungry family members.

-I am readinge another book by Matt Chandler who is a main preacher at the village church in Texas. The book is called To Live is Christ and to Die is Gain.  I thought that that was an appropriate title considering that Chandler has a malignant brain tumor. It turns out that the book is concerning the biblical book of] Philippians. Philippians is one of the books in my Bible which are almost completely underlined. It would make sense, to just memorize the whole book of Philippians and I'm sure that if I were to try to quote passages from there I could,  because they are that familiar.  It's a good book despite the fact that he has not once mentioned his own personal circumstances or maybe is a good thing however I think I given the situation it ties in nicely with the book of Philippians that "finishing the race" "pressing on" maybe he has been saving that for the ending.  I have so many books I want to read right now I need to spend less time on the computer and more time reading ...prayerfullyreading--                                                              

Matt's other book The Explicit Gospel was also wonderful to read. And if I may give Matt another plug:  I subscribe to his  iTunes podcast for all of his messages from the church  in Texas and if you want to hear some good preaching check that out. Sony Brooks is a little time LOL this is what that sentence was supposed to be: "so many books  so little time". How did we get to "SonyI Brooks is a little time" I don't know.

I have been trying to spend more time with the Lord in devotions-- in prayer. I feel the need to practice some of the spiritual disciplines such as: silence,meditation ,memorization, prayer, fasting, etc.  In years past, these practices have helped me greatly in my walk with the Lord and knowing him better; disciplining  myself ,learning how to focus my thoughts and center them on Christ; learning how to study Scripture and have the word deeply impress itself on my heart.

If you don't want to lay out ten dollars for a Kindle book, there are SCADS of them that are free or nealy free...written by Saints and Lovers of Jesus...from centuries past.  Books like "The Cloud of Unknowing, or The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis...books like St Teresa's Interior Castle,
books by Tozer, St Augustine., CS Lewis and many others. READ, soak it up!  You'll never be the same.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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