Sunday, August 18, 2013

Are you a Liar with Good Intentions?

Yesterday I went with 6 other women to Lancaster County...home to many Amish people.  We went to Shady Maples Smorgasbord and ate til we were full.  I had a plan and I stuck to it, so I didn't do the damage I could have. However my scale this morning was NOT my friend.
I was in so much pain toward the middle our trip that I sat in the car for the last two stops....I used  my rollator walker and it was great to have a seat available when I got tired.  However at that midway point my pain levels were sky high and I couldn't have taken another step.   I came home and hit the bed, not waking til 7:30 this AM (which is late for me)

I was just thinking this morning of the verse on my wallpaper

Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke on you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls--for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.  MT 11:28-30

I really want to "learn of him"  I want God to incise my soul and spill out whatever is sinful and poisonous there.  Is God in the process of teaching me something? Something of his character and how mine needs to be conformed to his. Would I recognize it if God is at work in me?  Because honestly, right now I can't tell.

One thing that has spoken to my heart is the need for greater commitment to honesty.  I need to catch myself in the "little lies" I sometimes tell and recognize them for the evil they are. And you know what? Lies can look little or insignificant...or even the kind of lie you tell someone because you know they would be hurt or distraught by the truth.  That's the kind of lies I know I am guilty of telling.  It's important to be "humble in heart" when you have to drop those truth's important to be gentle with the truth.  When I find myself in the decision stage...the place where I'm teetering from one side to the other in the act of deciding how much truth this person can this point I need to learn of him and to cry out to him for him to give me the right words.  And you know what? If you get your words from Jesus and trust him to work blessing rather that strife, He will do it!  He will use that situation to teach you and I and he will use those words to work some kind of strength and healing in that fragile heart.

And you know what?  When you've dared to speak a hard truth  God can begin a good work in the heart of your friend.  But what is so important here?  To speak with the humbleness and gentleness of Jesus.  To LEARN of him...because only then can the burden of truth be borne easily.

Have your way in me me to honor truth because you are the way the TRUTH and the life and by speaking truth I am honoring you Jesus.

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