Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Hazardous Duty

A writer/believer whose work I follow and whose blog I receive via email (Ed Cyzewski) just released a book entitled, 'Hazardous: Committing to the Cost of Following Jesus' and is organizing a synchroblog amongst his readers to celebrate and advertise the entre' of his book into the publishing world.  Here are the parameters of the Synchroblog:

During the week of August 27-September 2, write a post for your blog:

  • Write a blog post sharing a personal story about a challenge you faced as a follower of Jesus. (You could also add: “I’m sharing My Hazardous Faith Story as part of a synchroblog connected with the release of Ed Cyzewski and Derek Cooper’s new book Hazardous: Committing to the Cost of Following Jesus.”).
  • At the bottom of your post, link to the synchroblog landing page: so that others can share their own Hazardous Faith Stories (Hey, you can just copy and paste these bullet points!)
  • Add your post to the link up section at the bottom of the My Hazardous Faith Story landing page on Monday-Saturday. Don’t forget to read and comment on at least one other post!
  • Tweet your post with the #HazardousFaith tag.
  • Include this image with your post: 400 pixels or 250 pixels width.

And simply because I have nothing else up my sleeve and because I'm intrigued by the topic, I'm gonna give it a go.  So be on the lookout sometime this week for my blog post which will be a part of this endeavor by a bunch of us blogger/Christian writers (dare I include myself in that category??) to help promote the work of a fellow writer.

And if you are a Christian blogger, I would extend the same welcome to you; to join the bandwagon and write your own post following the guidelines above.
And keep an eye open for Ed's book, Hazardous


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