Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Promise....

....This will be the last blog re-design for a while... I know you hardly know if you're on the right page or not! Well, get comfortable with this one...I"ll keep it for some time.
.....Please let me know what you think of it!


Julie Zine Coleman said...

Your redesign is fantastic. I totally love the look. What a wonderful ministry you have to those who suffer from mental illness as well as to those who love the ones that suffer. Keep up the good work: God is using you!

Will you be at GPCWC this year?

Anonymous said...

I like it very much, the colors are calming and beautiful. Good job. God bless you sweetheart, I am so happy He lead me your way. You are a blessing to me.

Cynthia Lott Vogel said...

Julie and Caryn, thank you very much for the feedback and other positive words.
Julie, I would LOVE to be at GPCWC this year (that is the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers' Conference held in August )...It was a tremendous blessing to me two years ago...Last year, health issues kept me away, and are, again, a matter that will have some play in my decision. If there is a way possible, I will be there! I'll keep you posted.